Infofield monitoring

Infofield monitoring

The Internet is a vast information field with virtually unfettered access and the ability to both receive and share information. Of course, you monitor the comments and behaviour of your subscribers within the official groups that are overseen by your in-house marketers. The problem is that there are many groups, they may not relate to your line of business at all, but your brand/product/service/employees/etc. may be actively discussed. Add to these publications in all the electronic media and you get an enormous layer of multi-format resources. Absolutely all mentions of you are a field of information which should be watched, assess the overall picture and in case of any problems immediately and gently level them out.


     DepthsSEO team uses specialized software to scan the internet space to identify all mentions/opinions of your brand/product/service.


     As a result of monitoring, you get access to the actual information about all mentions of your brand on the Internet and will be able to assess the effectiveness of publications, the quality of posts made by bloggers, understand the tone of feedback, get a detailed social and demographic analysis of the audience, which talks about you and is interested in you.


     In addition, you can evaluate the effectiveness of your key competitors in social networks, identify the algorithm of their interaction with the audience and compare the effectiveness of the selected promotion channels.